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A young Mongolian man R.Gantugs chosen as torchbearer in Tokyo 2020 Olympic Torch Relay

Despite the current situation of the pandemic, the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Torch Relay is currently underway. Having begun in the city of Fukushima on March 25, the Japanese leg of the relay is scheduled to end in Tokyo after visiting all 47 prefectures of the country. People that are active and well-known in the local community have been invited to participate.

As for Tottori city of Tottori prefecture, a young Mongolian man has been chosen for the olympic torch relay. Teacher at Tottori Johoku High School, sumo wrestling coach R.Gantugs will be one of the four torchbearers representing the city.

While working as a teacher at Tottori Johoku High School, he has successfully involved the high school team in the national championship tournaments. Previously, he also participated in the Sumo World Championships and the Asian Sumo Championships, representing Mongolia.

At the professional level, many of his students are currently testing their strengths and skills. This includes ozeki Terunofuji, Ichinojo, and Mitoryu.

R.Gantugs will be participating in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Torch Relay in Tottori city this Saturday. The prefecture has selected a total of 40 people, which includes Tottori-born Olympic and World medalists as well as athletes that will be participating in the Summer Olympics.

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